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Volaris 101 is a multi-day, in-depth learning session that lays out best practices for operating vertical market software businesses. Watch the video above to hear why senior leaders, including Leanne Hawkins and Tiffany Dunsdon, recommend the program.
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Full transcript:
LEANNE HAWKINS: We have so many new people coming on board each year. It's really important that we give them the tools to be able to do their job to the best of their ability.
For me, the financials boot camp needs to be a session that all members of our team can relate to. It's really important for me to be able to get some key financial messages across to people who don't understand financial concepts. It's really important that they can take that away and into their business and proactively use it.
We're all involved in our business and performance is not restricted to just the people delivering services or providing customer care. Everyone can have an impact on the bottom line of our businesses. And that's a really key message that I think everyone needs to understand.
TIFFANY DUNSDON: I brought two of my leaders who are in APAC. You get to Volaris 101, and it really brings it to life. The culture of humility and lifelong learning is valuable because none of us has a monopoly on good ideas. And we all have different experience, from diverse backgrounds, from different geographies.
You do a lot of case studies which really helps you test your understanding, do group work, and hear from the leaders themselves. You've got really seasoned leaders who lead you in Volaris 101, which means that if I have a question on that journey, I'm gonna know who I can reach out to, what resources are available to me to kind of support me on my journey.
People are able to think about their own business and they're able to kind of, you know, in their own mind think about, "When I take away this learning, I'm gonna go and reanalyze my business." And it really brings it to life. In-person learning just is quite transformational.
Learn more about Volaris 101: